YThe data of RAZ's mobility initiative in Sancho el Sabio street, in Donostia, can already be consulted. It has been dev...
Read the full articleSMARTKALEA
Fomento San Sebastian´s pioneering project based on different implementations to test and validate a comprehensive model for its expansion to other geographical areas.
SmartKalea is the innovative initiative of Fomento de San Sebastián to establish a public-private collaboration model that integrates the different agents that coexist in a city environment from a Smart/sustainable perspective: citizenship, businesses, technological local companies and Municipal Departments, leaded by Fomento de San Sebastián.
It consists on a pilot project based on Smart implementations to test and validate a comprehensive model for its expansion to other geographical areas and turn Donostia in a Smart City reference.
YThe data of RAZ's mobility initiative in Sancho el Sabio street, in Donostia, can already be consulted. It has been dev...
Read the full articleOn 20 September, Fomento San Sebastián presented the SmartKalea project at the first edition of the BY&FORCIT...
Read the full articleFomento de San Sebastián has attended the Energy Efficiency event within the international MOS fair, which was he...
Read the full article
Project executed within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, and financed by the European Union-Next Generation EU and by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, and by the Department of Tourism, Commerce and Consumption of the Basque Government.
© 2025 Fomento de San Sebastián.